
Showing posts with the label Family Events What to do Fun Glasgow Ayrshire West of Scotland Friends Couples Christmas Festive December Bingo Movies

'Tis the Season to be Merry and Bright

Now that Halloween and Bonfire Night are over, I think it’s finally time to start talking about the most wonderful time of the year – Christmas! This post is part 1 of 2 of some of the best events in Ayrshire and Glasgow to bring us all a bit of Christmas cheer. Another post highlighting more events will be posted soon.  For the Friends – Bongo's Bingo Glasgow presents Winter Wonderland  Running on the 1st, 2nd ,8th, 9th, 15th and 30th of December Anyone who’s been to Bongo’s Bingo can tell you it is an unforgettable night, complete with drinks, pals, karaoke classics and plenty of dancing. That’s why I’m recommending their Winter Wonderland event as the perfect Christmas night out with your friends. Don’t expect just any normal game of bingo though – the bingo caller, male dancers and absolutely ridiculous prizes all make for a night of laughter from beginning to end! • The Christmas theme will give you the chance to win special festive prizes and they will also be playing all the